Tuesday, October 23, 2012


If you write a blog and don't tell anyone about it, does it really exist?

The answer: Yes.

I haven't told anyone, except my husband that I have a blog. I'm not certain why I haven't shared this piece of info but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with acceptance. If no one reads my blog than no one can criticize it. Doesn't really serve the purpose of writing a blog, but it is what it is.

I'm not a writer so do I really have any business writing a blog? I've always loved to journal and I'm a true believer in "writing it down." Once it's on paper/computer screen and not lingering in your head, it makes you feel better.It makes me feel better.

I didn't start a blog so that I could complain, yet I feel like each time an idea pops into that blonde head of mine it is about something that is troubling me, annoying me or just plain pissing me off. The thought that someone, someday, might just read this blog makes me censor who and what I write about. I try to keep it in general terms, that way it could apply to anyone. Confrontation doesn't sit well with me so I think I will keep it as vague as possible. I would just love to share a doozy of a neighbor story with you...but vague, vague, vague.

Maybe I should look into my negative-way of thinking. Sometimes it invades me and I find it hard to find the good all around me. And there is plenty of good around. I have so many things to be thankful for. This past year alone our family has had a few harrowing experiences that have turned out very, very well. With that being said, I have four beautiful, healthy, well-rounded children, a husband who loves and respects me, a beautiful home and family all around me. I am truly blessed. (There. I did it. Positive.)

I'll keep on writing and try hard not to be a Debbie-downer all the time. And maybe, just maybe, I'll tell someone about this blog. Maybe.


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